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This section covers how to use authentication in your requests with tls_requests, offering both built-in options and the flexibility to define custom mechanisms.

Basic Authentication

Using a Tuple (Username and Password)

For basic HTTP authentication, pass a tuple (username, password) when initializing a Client. This will automatically include the credentials in the Authorization header for all outgoing requests:

>>> client = tls_requests.Client(auth=("username", "secret"))
>>> response = client.get("")

Using a Custom Function

To customize how authentication is handled, you can use a function that modifies the request directly:

>>> def custom_auth(request):
        request.headers["X-Authorization"] = "123456"
        return request

>>> response = tls_requests.get("", auth=custom_auth)
>>> response
<Response [200 OK]>
>>> response.request.headers["X-Authorization"]
>>> response.json()["headers"]["X-Authorization"]

Custom Authentication

For advanced use cases, you can define custom authentication schemes by subclassing tls_requests.Auth and overriding the build_auth method.

Bearer Token Authentication

This example demonstrates how to implement Bearer token-based authentication by adding an Authorization header:

class BearerAuth(tls_requests.Auth):
    def __init__(self, token):
        self.token = token

    def build_auth(self, request: tls_requests.Request) -> tls_requests.Request | None:
        request.headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {self.token}"
        return request

Usage Example

To use your custom BearerAuth implementation:

>>> auth = BearerAuth(token="your_jwt_token")
>>> response = tls_requests.get("", auth=auth)
>>> response
<Response [200 OK]>
>>> response.request.headers["Authorization"]
'Bearer your_jwt_token'
>>> response.json()["headers"]["Authorization"]
'Bearer your_jwt_token'

With these approaches, you can integrate various authentication strategies into your tls_requests workflow, whether built-in or custom-designed for specific needs.